

インターナショナル考古学トレーニング・スクールが開かれる『ズボリャノヴォ』は、北東ブルガリア、ルセから100キロほどのところにあり、東西2.5キロ 南北3キロの広大な地です。この地域が天文学、占星術と関係が深かったことは、星座のように配置された現存の100基余の古墳が語っています。






◆ズボリャノヴォの考古学研究の歴史と成果についての「ポスター展」が, 2011年1月から2012年3月まで、東京・古代オリエント博物館、東海大学、岡山・オリエント美術館、東京・渋谷区文化センターを会場に巡回展示されました。




ブルガリアとルーマニアの国境をなして流れるドナウ川の国境の街(州都) ルセ(北緯43度50分/東経27度57分)から、南東に100キロほどのところに国立保護地区に指定されたズボリャノヴォという地名があります。



 考古学トレーニングスクールが開催されるのは、 このズボリャノヴォとスベシュタリ村の広大な地域にある古墳の発掘現場です。紀元前400年前後の地層で、時代的には、日本の弥生時代に相当します。



 昨年2012年、その30周年を祝った年、別の古墳(第一回考古学トレーニング サマースクールの発掘現場)から、2400年前の夥しい黄金製品が出土して大ニュースとなり、喜びに沸きました。


The Golden gifts from Sveshtari tumulus in the capital of the Getae in Sboryanovo in NE Bulgaria

The continuation of the excavations of the highest tumulus of the necropolis of the Getic religious and political capital Dausdava/Helis, in the Sboryanovo National reserve (NE Bulgaria), after a break of 8 years, lead to an unexpected discovery on 7th of November 2012 of a wooden box with golden objects.


The tumulus belongs to the Eastern, royal Hellenistic necropolis of the Getic center. In 1982 in its Northern part was discovered the Sveshtari tomb with caryatids(on the UNESCO list). The Great Sveshtari tumulus is situated in the Southern part of the same necropolis and is the highest one (19 m.).

The earlier excavations of the tumulus revealed a monumental Thracian tomb with semi - cylindrical vault and Doric columns in the main chamber , dated to the end of 4th-beginning of 3 rd century BC, a ritual pit and a horse sacrifice.

The square wooden box with golden objects was found in the profile of the embankment, at a depth of 8 m below the surface of the tumulus.

The golden objects belong to three groups. The first one includes female jewelry - a golden spiral diadem with sculptured figurines of lions, panthers, rosettes and fantastic creatures, 4 spiral bracelets with lions heads and a golden ring with Eros in high relief. The second group consists of the appliques of a bridle set - a headstall with a sculptured horse’s protome, cheek pieces - 2 disks with relief head of Athena in a helmet , other appliqués with female faces or floral ornaments, and more than 120 golden buttons. A half of a ritually broken iron bridle was also found in the box.

Three types of appliques, some Inlaid with blue and white enamel, hundreds of miniature cylindrical and round beads, and golden threads suggest that a brocaded cloth was also laid in the box.

The wooden box with the golden gifts can be dated to the end of 4th - the beginning of the 3rd c BC - the period of the political and cultural apogee of the state. Of the Northern Thracians – the Getae.

Most probably the tumulus and its central burial could be connected with Kotela - the Getic king from the last centuries of the 4th century BC, who played an important role in the political and military events on the Balkans, also as an ally of Philip II in their common struggle against the Scythian king Ateas.Meda, the daughter of Kotels became one of the Philip’ wives in 339 BC.
